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Steve Brandon


Good to see your passion for the Greek New Testament hasn't diminished over the years. Every year, I make it my aim to read through the Greek New Testament as well. I've made it through a couple of times, but I usually fade as the year goes by. Perhaps with the encouragement of this link, I'll finish this year.

I've pasted a link to the schedule that I developed a bunch of years ago, based upon the length or reading, the difficulty of the author and the extent of the vocabulary. I find that it give equal challenge each day. It's pretty close to yours, but gives more time in Luke and Acts (which are more difficult grammatically). I like your "catch-up" days.

Press on,

Steve Brandon

Jason Kuo

Hi Lee,

Thanks for posting this. I was wondering if you happen to have the year 2 schedule, even if it's the old 2011 one available. I might be doing it backwards a little bit...


Lee Irons

Jason, this is the first year that I have done a 2-year schedule, so this one will be from 2012 to 2013. Sorry, I don't have one that goes from 2011 to 2012.

Jason Kuo


Thanks. I should have read your original post a little more carefully! I may attempt the two year plan as you have it.



I think I MIGHT be ready to start your two-year plan next January - if I can by the end of this year FINALLY masster all the vocabulary and finish compiling grammar notes from Wallace (embarrasingly, after 5+ years). Looking forward to starting the two-year plan along with studying your syntax notes in earnest. THANK YOU for all your encouragement over the years. I hope you will also post articles on specific issues in Greek study and exegesis.

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